Lauras Craft Kits

Monday, June 13, 2005


Shapes are important!

Books on Shapes:
1. Is it red, ist it yellow, is it blue. -Tanahoban
2. Spot looks at shapes. -Eric Hill
3. What shapes. -Debbie Mackinnon
4. Apes find shapes by-Moncure Jane Bec
5. Blues clue detective looks for shapes by- Angela Santomero

Snack Ideas:
Monday - Different variety of ceral for all different shapes.
Tuesday - Crackers and cheese, talk about square shapes.
Wednesday - Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches cut into different shapes.
Thursday - Fruit and cheese puffs, cut fruit into different shapes.
Friday- Celery and cheese sticks, talk about how they look like trees and logs.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Hickory, Dickory, Dock
Row, Row, Row your Coat
Ring Around the Rosey
One, Two, Buckle my Shoe

Create a Card:
Objective: creative domain, making a card out of their own ideas.
Materials: white paper, constrcution paper, glue, sequins of shapes and letters, safety scissors, markets, and crayongs.

Directions: Fold the paper in half, cut if desired. Color and glue different designs and shapes on the paper to create a beautiful card!

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